
This page describes some strategies for customizing the behavior of the Triggers framework, depending on the needs of your application.

Setting the Manager/Storage Type at Runtime

Internally, the Triggers framework uses a library called ClassRegistry to manage the registered trigger managers and storage backends. ClassRegistry works by assigning each class a unique key and adding it to a registry (dict-like object).

You can leverage this feature in your application to make the manager and/or storage type configurable at runtime, by storing the corresponding keys in application settings (e.g., in a Django module).

Here’s an example:

First, we set some sensible defaults:

# my_app/



The values 'default' and 'cache' can be found in the entry point definitions for TriggerManager and CacheStorageBackend, respectively.

Entry point definitions are set in the library’s; look for the entry_points configuration.

See Registering Your Trigger Manager for more information.

Next, we’ll define a function that will build the trigger manager object from these settings:

# my_app/

from typing import Text
from triggers import TriggerManager
from triggers.manager import trigger_managers
from triggers.storages import storage_backends

from my_app.settings import TRIGGER_MANAGER_TYPE, \

def get_trigger_manager(uid):
  # type: (Text) -> TriggerManager
  Given a session UID, returns a configured trigger manager.
  storage = storage_backends.get(TRIGGER_STORAGE_TYPE, uid)
  manager = trigger_managers.get(TRIGGER_MANAGER_TYPE, storage)

  return manager

Note the use of triggers.manager.trigger_managers and triggers.storages.storage_backends. These are the registries of trigger managers and storage backends, respectively.

The get() method retrieves the class corresponding to the identifier (e.g., TRIGGER_STORAGE_TYPE — “cache” in this case) and instantiates it using the remaining arguments (e.g., uid).

Finally, call get_trigger_manager() in your application wherever you need a TriggerManager instance.

By changing the values of the TRIGGER_MANAGER_TYPE and/or TRIGGER_STORAGE_TYPE settings, you can customize the trigger manager and/or storage backend that your application uses, without having to rewrite any logic.

Finalizing a Session

In many cases, it is useful to schedule trigger tasks to run when everything else is finished.

For example, we may want to have our questionnaire application set a status flag in the database once the questionnaire is 100% complete and all of the other trigger tasks have finished successfully.

To make this work, we will define a new trigger called sessionFinalized that fires when all of the trigger tasks in a session have finished running.

We can detect that a trigger task has finished running by waiting for its cascade; that is, we can perform the “is session finalized” check after each trigger fires.

To accomplish this, we must create our own trigger manager and override its _post_fire() hook.

We will also take advantage of the trigger manager’s ability to find unresolved tasks, so that we can determine if there are any tasks waiting to run.

The end result looks like this:

class FinalizingTriggerManager(TriggerManager):
  TRIGGER_SESSION_FINALIZED = "sessionFinalized"

  def _post_fire(self, trigger_name, tasks_scheduled):
    # Prevent infinite recursion.
    if trigger_name == self.TRIGGER_SESSION_FINALIZED:

    # A session can only be finalized once.

    # Check for any unresolved tasks...
    for config in self.get_unresolved_tasks():
      # ... ignoring any that are waiting for session finalized.
      if self.TRIGGER_SESSION_FINALIZED not in config.after:

    # If we get here, we are ready to finalize the session.


Don’t forget to register your trigger manager!

Namespaced Session UIDs

Suppose you have a set of related triggers sessions, and you want to schedule some tasks to run in a “super session” of sorts.

For example, let’s suppose that our questionnaire application has two different questionnaires: “Flora” and “Fauna”. We would like to execute a trigger task after the applicant completes page 3 of the Flora questionnaire and page 6 of the Fauna questionnaire. But, we can’t predict what order these events will occur.

To accomplish this, we can create a “namespaced session UID” for the applicant. When the application is processing responses from the applicant’s questionnaire, it will actually create two trigger managers, each with a separate UID:

from my_app.models import Questionnaire

def start_questionnaire(request):
  Django view that is called when the user clicks the "start" button
  on a questionnaire.
  questionnaire = get_object_or_404(
    klass = Questionnaire,
    pk    = request.POST["questionnaire_id"],

  # Prepare our regular triggers session for the questionnaire.
  trigger_manager = TriggerManager(...)

  # Prepare our "super session", which will maintain state across
  # multiple questionnaires.
  # Note that the UID is tied to the applicant, not a particular
  # questionnaire.  We also add a prefix, to avoid conflicts with
  # regular trigger session UIDs.
  super_trigger_manager = TriggerManager(
    storage = CacheStorageBackend(
      uid = 'applicant:{}'.format(request.session.applicant_id),

    # This task will run after the applicant completes page 3 in the
    # Flora questionnaire, and page 6 in the Fauna questionnaire.
    't_compareResponses': {
      'after': ['flora_page3', 'fauna_page6'],

def responses(request):
  Django view that processes a page of response data from
  the client.
  questionnaire = get_object_or_404(
    klass = Questionnaire,
    pk    = request.POST["questionnaire_id"],

  responses_form = QuestionnaireResponsesForm(request.POST)
  if responses_form.is_valid():
    # Regular triggers session for the questionnaire.
    trigger_manager = TriggerManager(...)

    # Fire triggers for "super session".
    super_trigger_manager = TriggerManager(
    storage = CacheStorageBackend(
        uid = 'applicant:{}'.format(request.session.applicant_id),
      # E.g., "fauna_page3", etc.
      trigger_name = '{}_page{}'.format(,

      trigger_kwargs = {'responses': responses_form.cleaned_data},